Workshops by Ministry Area
Faith Formation for Adults – Formación en la Fe Para Adultos
B-06: Fan the Fire: Faith Formation Models for Adults
B-09: The Catholic Journey
C-02: Reuniting Faith and Science
C-05: How Adult Faith Formation can become great Family Faith Formation
C-12: Last Things First: How, why and when to teach about death, judgment, heaven and hell
C-18-Avivas el Fuego: Modelos de Formación de la Fe para Adultos,
Faith Formation for Children and Families - Formación en la Fe para Niños y Familia
A-05-La importancia de la formacion en la fe para las familias,
B-11-Making Family Catechesis Engaging
C-19-Hacer que la catequesis familiar sea atractiva
Family Ministry - Ministerio para la Familia
A-14: Padres sin autoridad
B-11: Making family catechesis engaging
Liturgical Ministry - Ministerios Litúrgicos
A-11: Rúbricas pasadas por alto de la Misa
B-14: Gospel Music in the Holy Mass – Can we really sing that?
Parish Ministry - Ministerio en la Parroquia
B-10: Cultivating a Team for Rural Parishes
C-13: Vocation Ministry for Everyone
C-20: Ministerio de vocación para todos
Prison Ministry - Ministerio en las Prisiones
B-12: Prison Ministry and Re-entry Services
Respect Life Ministry - Ministerio del Respeto a la Vida
A-06: ¿Viviendo la virtud, en una cultura sexualizada?
B-02: Threading TOB through the year: Incorporating TOB in the yearly plan, not just a day.
B-07: We Were Born Ready: Advocating for Life in California
C-01: Witness to Life: Young People Advocating for Human Dignity
C-06: Do All Lives Matter?: Eucharistic Solidarity and Catholic Social Teaching
Sacramental Preparation -
A-05: La importancia de la formación en la fe para las familias
A-12: Preparación Bautismal
B-02: Threading TOB through the year: Incorporating TOB in the yearly plan, not just a day.
B-08: Baptism Ministry of Baptism & Best Practices
C-07: A Family Approach to the RCIA for Unbaptized Children of Catechetical Age
C-08: Family Faith Formation in The Directory for Catechesis
C-14: First Eucharist REVIVAL
C-09: How to build a great Marriage Prep program & Best Practices
C-19: Hacer que la catequesis familiar sea atractiva
C-26: Preparacion Pre Matrimonial
Young Adult Ministry - Pastoral Juvenil
A-02: "¡Cómo las comunidades de fe pueden marcar la diferencia!
B-03: Discipling Teens and Young Adult in 2022
C-01: Witness to Life: Young People Advocating for Human Dignity
C-21: El Futuro de la Pastoral con Jóvenes
Youth Ministry - Pastoral Juvenil con Adolescentes
B-01: Threading TOB throughout the year
C-03: Best Practices in accompanying LGBTQ+ Youth
B-06: Fan the Fire: Faith Formation Models for Adults
B-09: The Catholic Journey
C-02: Reuniting Faith and Science
C-05: How Adult Faith Formation can become great Family Faith Formation
C-12: Last Things First: How, why and when to teach about death, judgment, heaven and hell
C-18-Avivas el Fuego: Modelos de Formación de la Fe para Adultos,
Faith Formation for Children and Families - Formación en la Fe para Niños y Familia
A-05-La importancia de la formacion en la fe para las familias,
B-11-Making Family Catechesis Engaging
C-19-Hacer que la catequesis familiar sea atractiva
Family Ministry - Ministerio para la Familia
A-14: Padres sin autoridad
B-11: Making family catechesis engaging
Liturgical Ministry - Ministerios Litúrgicos
A-11: Rúbricas pasadas por alto de la Misa
B-14: Gospel Music in the Holy Mass – Can we really sing that?
Parish Ministry - Ministerio en la Parroquia
B-10: Cultivating a Team for Rural Parishes
C-13: Vocation Ministry for Everyone
C-20: Ministerio de vocación para todos
Prison Ministry - Ministerio en las Prisiones
B-12: Prison Ministry and Re-entry Services
Respect Life Ministry - Ministerio del Respeto a la Vida
A-06: ¿Viviendo la virtud, en una cultura sexualizada?
B-02: Threading TOB through the year: Incorporating TOB in the yearly plan, not just a day.
B-07: We Were Born Ready: Advocating for Life in California
C-01: Witness to Life: Young People Advocating for Human Dignity
C-06: Do All Lives Matter?: Eucharistic Solidarity and Catholic Social Teaching
Sacramental Preparation -
A-05: La importancia de la formación en la fe para las familias
A-12: Preparación Bautismal
B-02: Threading TOB through the year: Incorporating TOB in the yearly plan, not just a day.
B-08: Baptism Ministry of Baptism & Best Practices
C-07: A Family Approach to the RCIA for Unbaptized Children of Catechetical Age
C-08: Family Faith Formation in The Directory for Catechesis
C-14: First Eucharist REVIVAL
C-09: How to build a great Marriage Prep program & Best Practices
C-19: Hacer que la catequesis familiar sea atractiva
C-26: Preparacion Pre Matrimonial
Young Adult Ministry - Pastoral Juvenil
A-02: "¡Cómo las comunidades de fe pueden marcar la diferencia!
B-03: Discipling Teens and Young Adult in 2022
C-01: Witness to Life: Young People Advocating for Human Dignity
C-21: El Futuro de la Pastoral con Jóvenes
Youth Ministry - Pastoral Juvenil con Adolescentes
B-01: Threading TOB throughout the year
C-03: Best Practices in accompanying LGBTQ+ Youth